Unspoken Dreams was one of the final projects for my Graphic Communication Degree, at Bath Spa University (2015).
I really love picture books and I am intrigued by those that have something else, something to play with or something new to discover every time you look at them or perhaps a different meaning. So I wanted to do something like that, something that you could play with and let the imagination fly.
Unspoken Dreams is an interactive book that you can read in different ways and it shows in a romantic way, the way we act. We share seats on the train, but we don't speak to each other. Sometimes we see the same people on the platform every day and we don't say ´hello´. And sometimes we´re secretly in love with that person who works in our favorite book shop but we won't say anything because we don't want to sound weird or creepy!
Unspoken Dreams is about that girl that works in the library, your friend that gives you butterflies and that guy you see everyday on the train platform and that you finally smiled at the other day.
The box is a city which contains the different stories. Every card tells a different story and can be inserted in the box in any order.
The front of the card shows an ordinary situation. Inside: an “unspoken dream”. On the back my interpretation of the story. Perhaps you´ll see something different.